Page name: Ed and Ein Fans [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-27 20:48:34
Last author: Ayame the Snake
Owner: Cliché
# of watchers: 15
Fans: 0
D20: 14
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Welcome to Ed and Ein Fans! For all those fans of Cowboy Bebop's young space cowgirl and her dog!!!

Well, we did have a banner, but it violates the rules so take yours down. Sorry everyone!!!








Ed's super cool Links! -Go here to see Ed's favorite Cowboy bebop sites!!

Words of Wisdom from Ed-My quotes!

Edward's rp of Doom and Distruction!! -an rp I just started. Please, i need characters!! (Oh, and what'd ya think of the name?)

Creator:1.[Cliché] I love Ed and Ein! (Duh, I made this wiki) And I have an Ein plushie!!! Such a good show, and such cool charaters!!!
2.[mudge] ahhh i love them.. so cute!
3.[fearless?] I LOVE ED!!!!!!!!!!! (and ein, of course) they bring comic relief into cowboy bebop ;)
4.[Cat0132] hehe!
5.[White Phoenix aka Ryoko] "Oooh it's Faye-Faye!!!" lol; i luff Ed!!! ^^
6.[LaughingMan] heh...i just started watchin Bebop
7.[Kamikaze Girl] I love ein!!!!!!! and Ed is the funiest character ^^
8.[kirsa]-jeez jules it takes forever to load this page! Deirdre luvs Ein more than anyone in the world-hehe she's right here! Ahh im crazy but so is Ed so leave me alone!
9.[Amber_eyes] Ed is sooo cool! And i love Ein! YAY!
10.[Akika_Inari] wow..i feel wierd being here with this ^^ Ed andEin are the best! I have a stufted Ein!
11.[kenloveshin]-Ein is so cute...i have a poster of them on my wall!
12.[LaLinaPumpkin] I don't really remember the dog(sarry guys) but I think Ed is AmazinG!
13.[ViciousLegato] Ein is truly mad crazy awesome! and not to mention cute ^^
14.[metallickittycat]ed is neat, i wish i had her com skills...then i could rule the net...not to mention chess...
15.[Nite_Owl] ed's one of the coolest anime characters, and ein's the cutest animal! ^_^ Yay ffor Cowgirl and Cowdog! lol
15.[Yoruno] I love them! They are so nice and cute... I even think Ein is the most intelligent being in the whole Bebop... :P
16.[do not exist] *loves on her stuffed ein and her stuffed ed*my nick name is ed! ed and ein rock!
17.[They look like monsters to you?]I love this show and Ed and Ein are awesome-o.^^
18. [burntashes] oooh spooky!!!
19. [. x o x o .] ^ ^ so cool and cute!
20. [Sally Stiches] OMG OMG OMG OMG^.^ i'm ED!!! i'm ED!!! and now i see that u have a wiki!!! kewl kewl kewl! *gets really hyper and starts hacking* yay!!!! and i have a dog his name is EIN!!!
21. [cowsgomoo14245] how can you not love Ed?
22. [Katisama] Ed!!!! Ein!!!! Yay!!! How cuuute!!!!!-^^-
23.[pocky kitty] eds so cute
24.[Pyra] Heyhey!! haha, my friends call me Radical Ed, but I say they're all pickely people! O.O; hehe! And I know a girl in real life....and you know what her name is? FAYE-FAYE!!
25.[Phoenix Tears] Fan of all things Cowboy Bebop! Check my wiki as well....Cowboy Bebop
26.[Cloudwatcher] ^^
27.[Nuktae-tal] OMG! Edward and ein!! I love them!!
29. [Roma] Ed and Ein totally rock. Definitely two of the best characters in the show. However, as the show is so well thought out, and fantastic, I'm having difficulty picking a bad character. Other than Julia. Didn't like her. GO BEBOP!
30. [weefreeman] *is ein incarnate* woof!
31. [Dark Trance] Ein will rule the world!!!!!!!!! *turns into ein* *runs off*
32.[a faerie tale] Did you bring present for Ed?
33.[Ryo003] Ed and Ein were awsome!
34. [oxyJ3N] YAY! *join join* Ed! ^^
36.[Nekko fox] I think I know, I don't think I know, I think I think I know, I think I think I think.........
37.[Black_Dragon_123] 'cuz Ed said so. And both Ed and Ein rawk!
38.[.X.X.Lips Of Deceit.X.X.] Just because Ed n Ein are the cooliest ever!
39.[Chiharu] Awwwww so cute ^_^
41. [Phoenix_phyre]Ed and Ein are devine.
Hey, go join my friends wiki The Spike Spiegel Fan Club!! It rocks!!! Spike is hot.
42. [Fetish Dolly Koneko™]-my goodness!!! I loove them so much!
43. [Ayame the Snake] Faye here faye faye!

And if you like Fruits Basket, go join my new wiki Fruits Basket Fans!!!!

Or if you like Full Metal Alchemist, join the Full Metal Alchemist Fan Club!!

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2004-12-13 [Cliché]: they don't aprove of my addiction

2004-12-13 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *gasp* Don't approve?! wtf?!

2004-12-13 [Dark Trance]: how is that possible!!!!!!!!!!:( poor u

2004-12-14 [Cliché]: They think it's a waste of money, and that is why I got a job

2004-12-14 [Dark Trance]: EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-12-14 [Cliché]: I know... :`(

2004-12-14 [Dark Trance]: yes

2004-12-14 [Cliché]: stupid parents...

2004-12-14 [Dark Trance]: ngah

2004-12-14 [Nuktae-tal]: huh?

2004-12-19 [Nite_Owl]: hiya (^,^) i joined a loooooonnnggg time ago and forgot to check back here again lol heh heh...

2004-12-19 [Cliché]: lol, welcome back

2004-12-19 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: yay! ^^

2004-12-20 [Nuktae-tal]: huh?

2004-12-20 [Dark Trance]: welcome back

2004-12-20 [Nite_Owl]: hehe i know you, arctic ^^ hi, how's everybody?

2004-12-20 [Dark Trance]: lol hehehe

2004-12-20 [Nuktae-tal]: I'm okay! really cold but okay!

2004-12-20 [Dark Trance]: cold?

2004-12-20 [Nuktae-tal]: yea three inches of snow 6 degrees outside

2004-12-20 [Nite_Owl]: (O,o) you have snow?!?! wow, it's been at least 4-5 years since we had any snow here, and that was like not even an inch! :( and it's about 60 degrees out right now too, at 11:00 pm...

2004-12-20 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: we had some snow flurries here....36 degrees ferenheight...

2004-12-20 [Nuktae-tal]: ....between 5-10 degrees four inches on the ground now.....I hate the snow!

2004-12-20 [Nite_Owl]: we love snow here!! southern california in the good U.S. of A. don't see much of it :( feels like summer all year round lol

2004-12-20 [Nuktae-tal]: lol I'd rather have that! lets switch houses okay? you can have ohio if I get cali!!

2004-12-20 [Nite_Owl]: yay!! ohio here i come!!!! just beware summer, though. then it's like 110 everyday and the schools' a/c hardly ever works (^,~)

2004-12-20 [Nuktae-tal]: hee hee hee its okay I think I can handle it! I am like a cat the warmer the happier!

2004-12-20 [Nite_Owl]: oooh, i have 5 kitties 4 r persians so they get pretty hot sometimes and start flippin' out lol hehehe

2004-12-21 [Nuktae-tal]: lol I have six cats my dog we had to put down but my cats would love it...they are heat nutters

2004-12-21 [Cliché]: My cats love the winter, they hate hot weather, which is good, cause I live in Mass

2004-12-21 [Nite_Owl]: lol cats are the coolest :D

2004-12-21 [Cliché]: True true

2004-12-21 [Nuktae-tal]: I like corgi's!!

2004-12-21 [Cliché]: those are dogs, but I love em too!!!!!

2004-12-21 [Nuktae-tal]: lol I like ein!! I love dogs but I love cats more!

2004-12-21 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Ein! EinEinEinEinEin! I wanna Ein plushie 4 christmas!

2004-12-22 [Cliché]: I have one! hehhehe

2004-12-22 [Nite_Owl]: i wish i had any anime/manga stuff, but my mom has to know what everything i buy is about and why i want and frankly it's just too hard to

2004-12-22 [Nuktae-tal]: lol tell her you want a stuffed toy to snuggles with in your bed at night! or that you want a new cool hat!

2004-12-22 [Nite_Owl]: it was hard enough to get my step-mom to find those demon diary manga my friend has, and i still don't know if i got them yet....but i'll find out on x-mas!!

2004-12-22 [Nuktae-tal]: I have those! my mom was like why do you have to get ones with demon on the I said " mom its just using magik is all." and she just shrugged

2004-12-22 [Nite_Owl]: they's the bestest!! lol (^,^) i hope i get them, my friend's friend kept stealing vol.3-5 so otherwise i'll probably never finish all of them :(

2004-12-22 [Nuktae-tal]: I only have one and two right now..I am working on seven series at once!!

2004-12-22 [Nite_Owl]: two's funny hehehe...though i think they made the right assumption for eclipse (just i think he already found someone LOL)

2004-12-22 [Nuktae-tal]: lol yea!! I wanna get the third now but I have so many I want to get!!

2004-12-22 [Nite_Owl]: yeah, i haven't read that one either! i really really really really reeeeeeeeeaaallllyyyy hope i get them for xmas lol :D

2004-12-22 [Cliché]: I just got Fruits basket book 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-12-22 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I need to read volumes 6-8 of Chobits....Mackenzie got me hooked on it last year when she got me the 1st Chobits for Christmas...

2004-12-22 [Nite_Owl]: has anyone ever an anime called"his and her circumstances"? its funny ;)

2004-12-22 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: nuuu...

2004-12-22 [Nite_Owl]: *shrug* my friend has that one too. its a dvd, not on tv. she probably got it in little tokyo....just curious

2004-12-22 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I just got interested in Megatokyo...

2004-12-22 [Cliché]: I love that one!!!!

2004-12-22 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Well, I found the link on your house.

2004-12-22 [Cliché]: Hehe, tis goood ain't it?

2004-12-22 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: yep yep! i only got to #30 or so...

2004-12-22 [Cliché]: It's really long but really good

2004-12-22 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: yeah

2004-12-24 [Nuktae-tal]: nani?

2004-12-24 [Nite_Owl]: nya?

2004-12-24 [Dark Trance]: wassap!

2004-12-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: lol... we're talking about Megatokyo...

2004-12-27 [Dark Trance]: ok then

2004-12-27 [Cliché]: Tis goooooddd

2004-12-27 [Dark Trance]: creepy

2004-12-27 [Cliché]: me?

2004-12-27 [Dark Trance]: yepyep

2004-12-27 [Cliché]: Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm creepy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-12-27 [Dark Trance]: *walks off and gives up*

2004-12-27 [Cliché]: what?

2004-12-27 [Nuktae-tal]: huh?

2004-12-27 [Dark Trance]: im to tired 4 this i just hiked up a mountain

2004-12-27 [Cliché]: Cool!

2004-12-27 [Nuktae-tal]: what?

2004-12-27 [Dark Trance]: im in colorado near the Rockies it was fun though

2004-12-27 [Nite_Owl]: aaaawwwww, i haven't been hiking in like forever... :( oh well (^,~)

2004-12-27 [Nuktae-tal]: I hate hiking...I only do it in my woods...

2004-12-27 [Dark Trance]: how can u hate hiking the river is frozen and everything right now 2

2004-12-27 [Nuktae-tal]: .....simply....I hate hiking...

2004-12-27 [Dark Trance]: ok ok

2004-12-27 [Nuktae-tal]: ....sorry.... I forgot to take my pills...

2004-12-27 [Dark Trance]: ok then.....

2004-12-27 [Nite_Owl]: oooh, a frozen river?cool :D the only place i've really been hiking before was at the devil's punchbowl and the devil's chair near our first house...more like next door actually lol

2004-12-27 [Dark Trance]: im in Colorado right now

2004-12-27 [Nite_Owl]: southern california. hi nice to meetcha ;P

2004-12-27 [Dark Trance]: lol lucky u im freezing my Frikin arse off *from Mississippi*

2004-12-27 [Nite_Owl]: lol wish i was, it was like 80 degrees winter! O_o summer's twice as bad, at least 100 everyday -_-"

2004-12-27 [Dark Trance]: a couple days ago it was -2 degrees w/o windchill

2004-12-27 [Nite_Owl]: (O,o) WOW, i wish it was that cold here!! LOL we went white water rafting in alaska last summer and it was freezing, in the summer too...

2004-12-27 [Dark Trance]: lol yepyep thats Alaska 4 ya

2004-12-27 [Cliché]: I live in Mass, tis cold, we got at least a foot of snow last night

2004-12-28 [Nite_Owl]: -_-;; good for you *throws imaginary confetti half-heartedly* lol j/k coolness!!

2004-12-28 [Cliché]: lol, it's cool, but I have to walk though the snow and the cold! I have to take care of a dog, and my mom can't drive me, so I'm walkin

2004-12-28 [Nuktae-tal]: I still hate snow....but I'm baby sitting my great grandpa and they have two feet of snow on the ground..I'm staying inside!!

2004-12-28 [Nite_Owl]: wouldn't you be elder-sitting, then? lol

2004-12-28 [Nuktae-tal]: 96....

2004-12-30 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: MEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW I'm back!!! ^^

2004-12-30 [Nite_Owl]: KITTY!! *pounces on ryoko*

2004-12-30 [Nuktae-tal]: huh?

2004-12-30 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: OWL!! *glomps Nite_Owl*

2004-12-31 [Nuktae-tal]: huh?

2004-12-31 [Cliché]: you say that a lot Tal

2004-12-31 [Nuktae-tal]: I do not...okayu maybe I do...its my fav word!^.^

2004-12-31 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: lol fun ^^

2004-12-31 [Nuktae-tal]: lol yea!!

2005-01-01 [Nite_Owl]: lol is my favorite word! lol hehehehe

2005-01-01 [Nuktae-tal]: hee hee hee

2005-01-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: my favorite chi.

2005-01-02 [Nite_Owl]: chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi!!!!!!! (^,^) <==*is hyper*

2005-01-02 [Cliché]: there's a girl named Chi on here

2005-01-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I know....and I like Chi from Chobits; she reminds me of myself at times. And I got the 7th Chobits manga yesterday! ^^

2005-01-02 [Cliché]: I haven't seen it, but I've heard its good

2005-01-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I'd prefer to read the manga. They made Chi's hair color wrong in the anime; her hair is suppossed to be white or ivory.

2005-01-02 [Cliché]:

2005-01-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: And in the anime, her hair is blonde. --U

2005-01-02 [Cliché]: Oh

2005-01-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Yep. But I like her outfits! They're so cute! ^^

2005-01-02 [Cliché]: Well, I've never seen them soo...yeah

2005-01-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: then do a Google search! Or I could find some pics for ya...

2005-01-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I'll message them to ya, ok?

2005-01-02 [Cliché]: Sounds perfect!

2005-01-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Ok, I did! ^^

2005-01-02 [Cliché]: thanks!

2005-01-02 [Nite_Owl]: [Chi] has her own manga, i think right? lol i don't remember names very good heh heh...

2005-01-02 [Cliché]: yeah, Moonlit Dream

2005-01-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Oh I love her manga! ^^

2005-01-03 [Nite_Owl]: me too! (^,^) if i could draw something that looked similar to the characters, id enter the contest LOL

2005-01-03 [Cliché]: I did! It's crap, but oh well!

2005-01-03 [Nite_Owl]: i like it!! it's a lot better than i could do, thats for sure...heh heh

2005-01-03 [Cliché]: eh, I still think it's crap

2005-01-03 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I want to start a Trigun doujinshi, but I'm only half done with the first page, and I'm a big slacker. --U

2005-01-03 [Cliché]: lol, I know the feeling

2005-01-04 [Nuktae-tal]: huh?

2005-01-04 [Nite_Owl]: stop saying that!! >.<

2005-01-07 [Nuktae-tal]: saying what?

2005-01-07 [Nite_Owl]: huh?

2005-01-07 [Dark Trance]: hello

2005-01-08 [Nuktae-tal]: what?

2005-01-08 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: omg this conversation is hilarious...we're such idiots. XD

2005-01-08 [Nite_Owl]: lol we have no life ;D

2005-01-08 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: no life besides ET, Anime, and Manga! :D

2005-01-09 [Nite_Owl]: same here! hehehe (^,^)

2005-01-09 [Nuktae-tal]: woohoo!! I second that! oh and games! video gmaes!!

2005-01-09 [Nite_Owl]: games games games!!!!!!!!

2005-01-09 [Nuktae-tal]: GAMES!!! RULE!!!!

2005-01-12 [Dark Trance]: GAMES AND ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-01-13 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: woot! XD

2005-01-13 [Cliché]: G4/\/\35!!!!!!!!

2005-01-13 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ohhh l33t! I wanna learn! ^^

2005-01-13 [Cliché]: It's not hard. 3y3 734r|\|3|) F45T.

2005-01-13 [Nite_Owl]: "i learned fast", right?? lol :P

2005-01-13 [Cliché]: Good job!

2005-01-13 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: oh. ok. 3y3'|\/| r34|)i|\|g that?

2005-01-13 [Cliché]: Good, but o would be 0 and i would be 1

2005-01-13 [Nite_Owl]: lol heh heh :D nice one

2005-01-13 [Cliché]: umm...that wasn't a joke

2005-01-13 [Nite_Owl]: didn't mean to make it sound so. simply, by coincidence, 50 \/\/45 3y3 (^,~)

2005-01-13 [Dark Trance]: lol im lost

2005-01-13 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ohhhh! so it's like this: 3y3'|\/| r34|)1|\|g y401

2005-01-13 [Nite_Owl]: yupyup

2005-01-13 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: oh. ok! ^^ |\/|00000000000000|-|3770. ^^

2005-01-13 [Nite_Owl]: |-|1 :D

2005-01-13 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: 3y3'|\/| 80r3|). --U

2005-01-14 [Nite_Owl]: yu993r5

2005-01-14 [Dark Trance]: *confused*

2005-01-14 [Nite_Owl]: we're talking 1337!!!!! (^,~) didn't mean to hurt your head lol

2005-01-14 [Dark Trance]: *dies*

2005-01-14 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: heheheheheeeee!!!

2005-01-14 [Cliché]: 733T is fun!!!!!!! |-|0\/\/'5 3\/3ry0/\/3?

2005-01-14 [Nite_Owl]: 3y3'|\/| 600|). y0u?

2005-01-14 [Cliché]: F1/\/3, 4 71TT73 80r3|).

2005-01-14 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: \/\/00T!!! 3y3 F0u/\/|) |\/|0r3 \/\/07F\/\/00|) + \/45|-| y401 |)0Uj1/\/5|-|1!!!!!

2005-01-14 [Cliché]: Fr34k....|)0 J00 3\/3r 5|-||_|t |_|p 480|_|

2005-01-14 [Cliché]: Fr34k....|)0 J00 3\/3r 5|-||_|t |_|p 480|_|t t|-|4t?

2005-01-14 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: >:( FR34K 4/\/|) PR0U|) 0F 1T! 4n|) 45 4 |\/|4tt3r 0f f4ct, 3y3 |)0.

2005-01-14 [Cliché]: 5|_|r3 j00 |)0, j|_|5t /\/0t 4r0|_|/\/|) /\/\3, r16t?

2005-01-14 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: \/\/r0/\/6.

2005-01-14 [Cliché]: 0|-| :P 1 \/\/45 j|_|5t k1|)|)1/\/6, j00 k/\/0\/\/, 71k3 1 47\/\/4y5 |)0?

2005-01-14 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: lol ya 0|\/|6 t|-|15 \/\/1k1 15 570\/\/7y t|_|r/\/1/\/6 1/\/t0 4 733t |-|4/\/60|_|t! XDDD

2005-01-14 [Cliché]: Y34|-|, 8|_|t 1t'5 f|_|/\/! 733t 15 4\/\/350/\/\3!

2005-01-15 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: |-|377 y34|-|!! ^^

2005-01-15 [Cliché]: 50...\/\/|-|4t'5 |_|p? 3y3'/\/\ 80r3|).

2005-01-15 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: |\/|3 t00....3y3 j|_|5t \/\/4tc|-|3|) 5|-|r3k 2 \/\/1t|-| |\/|y 71tt73 8r0t|-|3r 4/\/|) 515t3r.....

2005-01-15 [Cliché]: K3\/\/7! 3y3 7|_|\/3 5|-|r3k 2! P|_|55 1/\/ 800t5 15 50 k|_|t3!!!

2005-01-15 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: 3y3 j|_|5t 4|)0r3 P|_|55 1/\/ 800t5! |-|3 r3|\/|1/\/|)5 |\/|3 0f |\/|y k1tt135, 7177y 4/\/|) J45|\/|1/\/3! ^^

2005-01-15 [Cliché]: |-|0\/\/ k|_|t3!!!! 3y3 |-|4\/3 f0|_|r k1tt135, /\/\15ty, C|-|r15ty, 70k1, 4/\/|) R3/\/\1! 3y3 7|_|\/3 t|-|3/\/\ 50 /\/\|_|c|-|!!!

2005-01-15 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: \/\/333333333333333!!!!! ^^

2005-01-15 [Cliché]: 707. |-|3|-|3, 733t lol!

2005-01-15 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ......3|-|....3y3'|\/| 80r3|) 4641/\/.

2005-01-15 [Phoenix Tears]: *watches in blank confusion*

2005-01-15 [Cliché]: /\/\3 t00, 1t'5 80r1/\/6 4r0|_|/\/|) t|-|15 t1/\/\3.

2005-01-15 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: y34|-|.....

2005-01-15 [Cliché]: 3y3 5|-|0|_|7|) 60 t0 83|) 8|_|t 3y3/\/\ /\/\|_|c|-| t00 \/\/1r3|)

2005-01-15 [Nite_Owl]: 707, 54/\/\3 |-|3r3

2005-01-15 [Cliché]: \/\/377, /\/0\/\/ 3y3'/\/\ t1r3|)

2005-01-15 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: 4/\/|) 3y3'|\/| 84Ck! ^^

2005-01-15 [Cliché]: Y4Y!!!!!! 3y3 /\/\1553|) j00!!!!

2005-01-16 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: y34|-|...3y3'\/3 833/\/ c4tc|-|1/\/6 |_|p 0/\/ r34|)1/\/6 |\/|364t0ky0...3y3'|\/| 0/\/7y |_|p 2 #196....j33z, t|-|15 c4tc|-|1/\/6 |_|p \/\/177 t4k3 4 \/\/|-|173..... --U

2005-01-16 [Nite_Owl]: :( |-|0\/\/ <0|\/|3 /\/0 0/\/3 |\/|15535 |\/|3????

2005-01-16 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: 4\/\/ \/\/ \/\/ \/\/.....*|-||_|6z* 3y3 |\/|1553|) j00!

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